Welcome to January in Montepulciano
The days are short, the mercury is low and tourists are as rare as hens' teeth.
The Christmas fair, its bright lights, the mulled wine and bombardino (that's Italian eggnog - its like normal eggnog, locked and loaded and with the attitude of a rather upset Camorra) are fading from memory. In fact, after two bombardini, it’s hard to remember anything anyway.
Most of the restaurants are closed until the end of February. Those of us who live here all year round are entertaining friends in each other’s houses.
And breathe.....
Of course there is always something to do in the vineyard. We are more than halfway through our dry pruning. We are converting from Cordon Spur to Guyot. That is an entire post on its own. You have been warned!
We are nervously awaiting our permission to construct our new winery (cantina). We are lead to believe (hope is the last thing to die!) that 7 February 2024 will be the day. The starting gun for the mad rush – to build our cantina (oh no groans Paari - not another cantina story). Just imagine the tension before a Spacex launch, the envelope ripping thingy at the Oscars, the Secret Santa reveal at your office Christmas lunch (okay, maybe not that one). Well, it's nothing like that.
We have designed our labels for our first Vino Nobile. We are so excited we might burst, or start giggling for no reason. We are already smiling like eejits. It’s at this stage we realise that a labelling machine (to attach said labels to the bottles resting peacefully in our 40’ High Top Reefer super sexy container) might come in useful. We think we have enough space for one. Actually, we don’t really know what they look like, how much space they need or how they work but everything will be fine. Yes Andra Tutto Bene (everything will be alright). Say it with us !
One of our friends has told us that, after mature reflection, he has decided to do dry January. He’s chosen the 25 January as his day. Obviously, we all wish him well, and will be ready to salute his achievement (with Prosecco of course) in the evening.
There will be lots to report on in February and lots of preparation between now and then to set us up for the rest of the year. This is really the year when the wine part of the business (as opposed to the villa/agriturismo part) comes to the fore. Of course a cantina would really help here (oh bugger, he’s doing it again).
Wherever you are we hope you are enjoying January and that you are off to a great start for 2024.
To end, here's the latest from Golo Winery's Insta feed!
Niall and Paari
P. S. Only one of us thinks that the container is in any way sexy. We don’t want to name names, but he also owns a fabulous rake.